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Step:1st- Fill basic information in Android school App about the school, so please select school establishment date then enter school name, school motto, etc . fill all information about school then click next button.
Step:2nd- In Android school App Please enter your school address, city name, district, state, country name and enter area pin code etc . fill all information about school then click next button.
Step:3rd- Enter your school contact number, alternative phone number, fill school valid email address and fill all information about school then click save button.
Step:4th- Create school session in Android school App, so please select School session (Yearly, Half yearly, Quarterly). create session very carefully you have to set session it will not change in future. the select session starts to date and clicks save button.
Step:5th -School Session created successfully, and school session list was shown. Now shown session start date and session end date. Click save button, and session year saved successfully.
Step:6th- Create session very carefully, school Session is only one time create. after creating school session you are not changing school session. session create message read very carefully and click ok.
Step:7th-Session created successfully, school session information like school session start year and end year show. school start date and school session end date were shown.
Step:8th- School session created successfully, Now showing school mobile app homepage.
Good job and bunch of thanks for this valuable post.
Great app. Thanks for sharing this article.